Wandsworth, Holy Trinity

West Hill, SW19 6SP   Find on map

Number of bells: 8

Tenor Weight: 15 cwt

Ground floor ring: No

District: Northern

Practice Night: Friday

Ringing Times: Sunday Service: 10.00-10.25am. Practice: 8.00-9.30pm

Entry: Entry is through a wooden door in the southwest corner of the tower.  Parking in churchyard 

Contact: Tower contact: Jonathan Startup - jonathan.startup@outlook.com 

Website: www.wandsworthparish.co.uk/Groups/258640/Bell_Ringing.aspx

John Beaumont gave the site for Holy Trinity Church (a Chapel of Ease) with the building, completed in 1863, constructed of Ragstone at a cost of £3,730. The Transept and South Aisle were added in 1872 with the foundation stone of the tower and spire laid in 1887. The Croydon firm of Gillett and Johnson made, and installed, the church clock in 1888, followed by the organ, designed by Dr Bridge and built in 1889 by Father Willis. John Taylor, Bellfounder of Loughborough, cast the ring of eight bells in 1926. The tenor bears the inscription: “To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Thomas Francis Harley Parkinson Lieut. Royal Navy B.1900  D. 1925 and of Frances Ursula, his mother B. 1872  D. 1905 daughter of E. A. Harley of Loughborough we eight are dedicate.”  The bells are to be rung each year on 27th November, the birthday of Thomas Parkinson.

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