Godstone, St Nicholas
Church Lane, Godstone, RH9 8BW Find on map
Number of bells: 8
Tenor Weight: 12 cwt
Ground floor ring: No
District: Southern
Practice Night: Thursday
Ringing Times: Sunday Service: 10.00-10.30am. Practice: 7.30-9.00pm
Entry: Door to the belfry is on the outside at the base of the tower
Contact: Tower Contact: di.grose@btinternet.com Di Grose
Website: https://www.godstonebenefice.org.uk/bellringing
In 1915, the 6 original bells were recast and a new tenor and treble added by the local Croydon firm of Gillett and Johnston. The church, restored in 1872 by Sir Gilbert Scott, has a window dedicated to Elizabeth of Hungray, and there is also now a New Millennium window.
St Mary’s Homes next door to the church were also designed by Sir Gilbert Scott. This has a chapel attached dedicated to Mabel Fanny Hunt and is usually open. ‘Walker’ Miles is buried in the church yard.