Carshalton, All Saints

High Street, Carshalton, SM5 3PD     Find on map

Number of bells: 8

Tenor Weight: 11 cwt

Ground floor ring: No

District: Northern

Practice Night: Monday

Ringing Times: Sunday Service: 10.00-10.30am. Practice: 7:30pm-9.00pm once a month by arrangement

Entry: Entry is via the tower door in the churchyard at the south side of the  church

Contact:  Rosemary Lilley -

Additional Information:  Parking is tricky.  In surrounding roads but watch for restrictions.   Few spaces available on Church Hill and across the pond.  Toilet  in the church  but may have to ask for key.


All Saints’ was founded around 700 AD with the base of the tower being the oldest identifiable part of the present building, erected around 800 AD. The church was extended in the 12th and 13th centuries, with extensive work in the 19th century transforming the building into the shape seen today. The impressive interior decorations are the work of Sir Ninian Comper and date from the 1930s and 1940s. Most of the stained glass is by Kempe, and we are fortunate to have an excellent Father Willis organ. A ring of 6 bells was hung in the tower in 1804, with two Trebles added in 1845. They are all the work of the Whitechapel Bell Foundry, but sadly for much of the 20th century, the bells were little used. During the 70s a legacy and fund raising enabled work to be done on the tower, the bells sandblasted and retuned by Whitechapel and re-hung mainly by members of the Surrey Association. They were re-dedicated on 22nd December 1979.

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