Egham, St John the Baptist
High Street, Egham, TW20 9HL Find on map
Number of bells: 10
Tenor Weight: 16¾ cwt
Ground floor ring: No
District: Northern
Practice Night: Thursday
Ringing Times: Sunday Service: 08:45 to 09:15 am and 10:25 to 11:00 am. Evening ringing by arrangement.. Practice: 7.45-9.15pm
Entry: As you enter the church, take the staircase to the right leading to the first floor ringing chamber
Contact: Tower Captain: David Cox -
The church is a Georgian building erected in 1817 after its Norman predecessor had been pulled down. On the walls leading up to the gallery there are replicas of the Coats of Arms of the 25 Barons chosen as the sureties to defend the Magna Carta. The document was finally sealed at Runnymede on 15th June 1215 and a copy is displayed in the ringing chamber. There are also many other fine monuments in the church. The bells are a fine ring of 10 augmented in 1972 from a Gillett and Johnston 8 recast in 1912.