South Croydon, St Peter

St Peters Road, South Croydon, CR0 1EZ    Find on map

Number of bells: 12

Tenor Weight: 30 cwt

Ground floor ring: No

District: Northern

Practice Night: Wednesday

Ringing Times: Sunday Service: (occasionally),  Practice: (occasionally), 7.30-9.00pm. Please phone to confirm all ringing. 

Entry: Entry is through door on the south side of the tower, giving access to the upstairs ringing chamber

Contact: Tower Captain:   Samuel MacMahon,, mobile 07949 176 511. 


The church is Victorian, an example of Gilbert Scott’s architecture with the building completed in 1851. In 1887 the four bells were made up to eight (26cwt) by Taylors. They were replaced in 1912 by a fine ring of 10, cast by the local firm of Gillett & Johnson. These bells remain today, with two new trebles cast by Whitechapel and installed in February 2002 by Whites of Appleton, and are readily available for Saturday peals and other visitor ringing.

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