Epsom, St Martin of Tours
Church Street, Epsom, KT17 4PX Find on map
Number of bells: 10
Tenor Weight: 16 cwt
Ground floor ring: No
District: Southern
Practice Night: Monday
Ringing Times: Sunday Service: 9.20-10.00 am. Practice: 8.00-9.30pm
Entry: Tower door is at the base of the tower to the left of the church main entrance, and the ringing chamber accessed by a short flight of stone steps
Contact: Tower Captain: Mike Bale - mike.bale47@gmail.com
Website: https://www.stmartinsepsom.org/
There has almost certainly been a church on this site since Anglo Saxon times and, like many churches, the present building has evolved slowly over the centuries. The tower was built in the 15th century, the nave dates from1824, and the east end is Edwardian. An inventory of 1545 states that St. Martin’s possessed “4 belles and a handbell” but by 1824 this had grown to a peal of 8. These were recast by Mears and Stainbank in 1920, when a further two bells were added to make the present ring of 10.