Leatherhead, St Mary and St Nicholas
Church Road, Leatherhead, KT22 8DB Find on map
Number of bells: 10
Tenor Weight: 19 cwt
Ground floor ring: No
District: Southern
Practice Night: Tuesday
Ringing Times: Sunday Service:10.00 - 10.30 am (first and fifth). Practice: 7.45-9.15pm
Entry: New security measures mean entry is via a key pad on the vestry door. Please contact before attending
Contact: Tower Contact: Julian Steed - jjsteed100@gmail.com
Website: www.parishchurch.leatherheadweb.org.uk/bells.html
The church dates back to Saxon times, with part of the building remaining within the additions that have been made over the years. The aisles are 14th century and the Tower was added in the 15th. The ring of 8, dates from 1816, with a further two Warner Trebles added in 1877. It was necessary to have the sixth recast and the whole peal tuned and rehung in a new frame - all in 1924, by Mears.